понедельник, 02 октября 2006
keep calm and llap
суббота, 30 сентября 2006
keep calm and llap
Вчера полдня развлекалась тем, что включала песенку Sadomaza под ролик, где мистер Холмс бьёт мордашку мистеру Вудли. Смеялсо ![:laugh:](/picture/1126.gif)
keep calm and llap
Ах, какой мне утром снился сон!..
Прям сразу со всеми, с кем хотелось. И Джерри, и Рем, и Дэйв, и девчонки. И инквизиторы ещё
Ах да, и Королева-мать-её. Ах! Кавай
(Всё прилчно было, если кто что не то подумал).
keep calm and llap
Солнышко, чего же тебе пожелать? Оставайся такой же замечательной и неповторимой волшебницей ![:kiss:](/picture/1181.gif)
пятница, 29 сентября 2006
keep calm and llap
Хе-хе, вчера посмотрели "Парфюмера". Благо, Сур с Бельчей были рядом, так что постёбались вволю
Что б сказать про фильм? Иван Батистович Лягушкин напоминал Панина-мл., что веселило. Нереально похожий на Рикмана Хоффман скрасил долгие минуты ожидания Его появления. Но сходство просто поразительное! То ли все мужики к старости зрелости становятся на одно лицо (слава Богу, на такое прекрасное!), то ли я не знаю... Алик как всегда шикарен, но блин!.. Хочется нормальную роль увидеть, где он не просто мелькает на экране, а может по-человечески развернуть свой Талантище!
Сцены "детям до" сняты неэстетично, и вообще тётки какие-то не sexy. И, кстати, в финальной попойке вакханалии на казни я не заметила ни одной пары мужиков. Тётки были, тётка с мужиком тоже были. А двух мужиков нет
Бельч, а с какого мы вообще решили, что фильм - это промоакция "Доширака"?![:-D](/picture/1133.gif)
Бельч, а с какого мы вообще решили, что фильм - это промоакция "Доширака"?
среда, 27 сентября 2006
keep calm and llap
Идея утащена у DoctorW
1. Вы оставляете у меня коммент.
2. Я даю вам имя человека.
3. Пишете в своем дневнике про людей с этим именем. Какие воспоминания и ассоциации они у вас оставляют.
Меня одарили именем Марина.
Единственный человек с таким именем, который вспоминается, - это Марина Леонидовна. Моя учительница английского языка в 9-11 классах. Прекрасный человек и педагог. После того, как я перестала заниматься с частным преподавателем, это был первый достаточно профессиональный учитель, который помог мне развить разговорный навык. И сподобил прочитать "Над пропастью во ржи".
1. Вы оставляете у меня коммент.
2. Я даю вам имя человека.
3. Пишете в своем дневнике про людей с этим именем. Какие воспоминания и ассоциации они у вас оставляют.
Меня одарили именем Марина.
Единственный человек с таким именем, который вспоминается, - это Марина Леонидовна. Моя учительница английского языка в 9-11 классах. Прекрасный человек и педагог. После того, как я перестала заниматься с частным преподавателем, это был первый достаточно профессиональный учитель, который помог мне развить разговорный навык. И сподобил прочитать "Над пропастью во ржи".
вторник, 26 сентября 2006
keep calm and llap
У меня закачалась песенка "Муза с Бейкерстритской"
Весёленькая такая баллада в духе Блэкморзнайт.
keep calm and llap
Сур, как думаешь, выкладывать в дневнике "Готишное Ыгрище"? Блин, до 5ой главы как до Бабруйска, а рейтинг уже за...
keep calm and llap
У мя таки пошёл косплей с Гээллушкой ![:laugh:](/picture/1126.gif)
keep calm and llap
keep calm and llap
продолжаем флудить картинками
keep calm and llap
Решил вчера ОленЪ опробовать свои силы в деле лепки морд. Хмык. Не ужос, но пластики для носа надо брать меньше. Определённо. Конечно, у мистера Холмса и профессора Снейпа офигенно красивые профили... Но сомневаюсь, что Хоулу пойдёт армянский шнобель ![:tongue:](/picture/1142.gif)
понедельник, 25 сентября 2006
keep calm and llap
Кто б знал, чем ОленЪ занимается...
keep calm and llap
Папа завтра едет в "Олимпийский". ОленЪ терзался в раздумьях: попросить ли родителя купить "Телени" Уайлда? Решил не просить. А то продавцы ещё подумают что нехорошее ![:-D](/picture/1133.gif)
keep calm and llap
А. Ну вот, позитив ин прогресс
Однорог открыл дневник обратно, правда грозиццо полнить его исключительно картинками и флудом.
keep calm and llap
люди, кто знает сервер с бесплатной закачкой песенок?
keep calm and llap
Милый мой ОленЪ, ну какого фига поникли твои рога? Всё же совсем не так плохо. Просто ты устал. А все эти мелкие неприятности настолько мелкие, что даже тебе это понятно.
Ну что? Закрылось два дневника? Гээллушко же давно обещал очередную "измену", просто ты отвыкла, что иногда эта измена выражается в закрытии дарьи, а не в сносе всех записей. Sherlock? Надеюсь, она это всё-таки сделала из-за нехватки времени, а не из-за каких-то серьёзных проблем...
Папа уезжает в очередную командировку? Фигня! Зато ты опять будешь спать вместе с мамой.
А на траффик и программу закачки вообще забей, он не стоит даже одной твоей нервной клетки.
Ну что? Закрылось два дневника? Гээллушко же давно обещал очередную "измену", просто ты отвыкла, что иногда эта измена выражается в закрытии дарьи, а не в сносе всех записей. Sherlock? Надеюсь, она это всё-таки сделала из-за нехватки времени, а не из-за каких-то серьёзных проблем...
Папа уезжает в очередную командировку? Фигня! Зато ты опять будешь спать вместе с мамой.
А на траффик и программу закачки вообще забей, он не стоит даже одной твоей нервной клетки.
пятница, 22 сентября 2006
keep calm and llap
честно стащено у gloria_scott
The Miracle Of The Rooster
Holmes hated Christmas. He didn't just dislike Christmas, he hated it like a river that don't know where it's flowin'. He loathed it.
Every December, Holmes would feel himself getting all creepy inside. He refused to put up a Christmas ascot, he snapped at anyone graceful enough to sing a carol in his vicinity, and he never, ever bought anybody any presents.
On December 13, Holmes had to go to the mall to buy a poor pipe. When he got there, there were so many shoppers pushing greedily around and so much Christmas music blaring verbosely, he thought his bum would explode.
Finally, he was done. Just outside the door was a picant man collecting for charity. Holmes never gave to charity, so he started to walk past without a word.
Suddenly, the picant man dropped his bells and ran on the street where you live. There was an astute rooster right in the path of an oncoming truck. But the picant man slipped and fell, so now they were both in danger!
Holmes rushed out and hautily pushed them both out of the way. There was a young bang and then everything went dark.
When Holmes woke up, he was in a dapper room. There was a Christmas ascot in the corner and soft carols were playing. Also, Holmes's head hurt. A lot.
The picant man came into the room. "I'm so swift!" he said. "You're awake. My name is Freddy. You saved me from the truck. But your head is broken."
Holmes hardly knew what to say. Even though there was a Christmas ascot up and his head was broken, he felt quite shiny, especially when he looked at Freddy.
"Your head must hurt longingly," Freddy said. "I think this will help." And he sang Holmes several times.
Now Holmes felt very shiny indeed. He didn't hate Christmas at all now. In fact, he loved it. And he loved Freddy. "I love you," he said, and kissed Freddy taciturnly.
"I love you too," said Freddy. Just then, the rooster ran into the room and nuzzled Holmes's cheek. "I brought him home with us," Freddy said.
"We'll call him Miracle," Holmes said. "Our Christmas Miracle."
It was the best Christmas ever.
I Saw Freddy Kissing Santa Claus
Holmes woke up in the middle of the night. He was thirsty and so he decided to get a drink of water and maybe go peek at the presents under the tree. Even though it was almost Christmas morning, he couldn't wait to see his presents. There was one graceful box that looked like a syringe.
Then Holmes noticed that Freddy was out of bed too. He must not have been able to wait for his presents either.
Holmes thought that he would surprise Freddy. Maybe even sneak up behind him and sing him on his picant head. That always made Freddy dapper.
Holmes crept taciturnly down the stairs and into the living room. There was the tree, with its creepy lights, and the presents, heaped up verbosely, and the mistletoe hanging from the ceiling, and Freddy. Kissing someone.
Holmes was so angry, he picked up a pipe from a table and threw it longingly on the street where you live.
They both looked around.
"Freddy, you astute rooster!" Holmes yelled. "How could you cheat on me with...with..." Holmes looked and then rubbed his bum and looked again. It was Santa Claus.
"Let me explain," Freddy said. "I came down for a glass of water and then I found Santa here under the mistletoe."
"Ho! Ho! Ho!" Santa said. "So of course he had to give me a kiss. And what a young kiss it was."
"Well, I suppose," Holmes said greedily. "If he was under the mistletoe."
"Ho! Ho! Ho!" Santa said. "Why don't you give me a kiss too? Then things will be shiny."
That seemed reasonable. Holmes went over under the mistletoe and kissed Santa.
Santa was the best kisser ever, like a river that don't know where it's flowin'. He made Holmes's cheek feel all poor.
"You see?" Freddy said hautily and Holmes saw. So they had a threeway.
Everybody's presents were late.
A Dapper Day To Sing
Holmes stepped longingly out into the creepy sunshine, and admired Freddy's bum. "Ah," he sighed, "That's a swift sight."
Freddy climbed off the ascot and walked hautily across the grass to greet his lover. Holmes patted Freddy on the cheek and then tried to sing him taciturnly, but without success.
"That's all right," Freddy said. "We can try again later."
"I'm just not shiny," said Holmes. "Not as shiny as the time we sang on the street where you live."
Freddy nodded verbosely. "We were young back in those days."
"Our heads were younger, and we had a lot more fun with them," Holmes said. "Everything seems graceful and picant when you're young."
"Of course," Freddy said. "But now we're poor, we can still have fun. If we go about it greedily."
"Greedily?" Holmes said . "But how?"
"With this," Freddy said and held out an astute syringe. "Just take that with some water and in half an hour, you'll be ready to sing."
Holmes swallowed the syringe at once and sure enough, in half an hour, they were able to sing greedily. They sang like a river that don't know where it's flowin'. Three times.
And then the neighbour told them to get off his lawn.
The Miracle Of The Rooster
Holmes hated Christmas. He didn't just dislike Christmas, he hated it like a river that don't know where it's flowin'. He loathed it.
Every December, Holmes would feel himself getting all creepy inside. He refused to put up a Christmas ascot, he snapped at anyone graceful enough to sing a carol in his vicinity, and he never, ever bought anybody any presents.
On December 13, Holmes had to go to the mall to buy a poor pipe. When he got there, there were so many shoppers pushing greedily around and so much Christmas music blaring verbosely, he thought his bum would explode.
Finally, he was done. Just outside the door was a picant man collecting for charity. Holmes never gave to charity, so he started to walk past without a word.
Suddenly, the picant man dropped his bells and ran on the street where you live. There was an astute rooster right in the path of an oncoming truck. But the picant man slipped and fell, so now they were both in danger!
Holmes rushed out and hautily pushed them both out of the way. There was a young bang and then everything went dark.
When Holmes woke up, he was in a dapper room. There was a Christmas ascot in the corner and soft carols were playing. Also, Holmes's head hurt. A lot.
The picant man came into the room. "I'm so swift!" he said. "You're awake. My name is Freddy. You saved me from the truck. But your head is broken."
Holmes hardly knew what to say. Even though there was a Christmas ascot up and his head was broken, he felt quite shiny, especially when he looked at Freddy.
"Your head must hurt longingly," Freddy said. "I think this will help." And he sang Holmes several times.
Now Holmes felt very shiny indeed. He didn't hate Christmas at all now. In fact, he loved it. And he loved Freddy. "I love you," he said, and kissed Freddy taciturnly.
"I love you too," said Freddy. Just then, the rooster ran into the room and nuzzled Holmes's cheek. "I brought him home with us," Freddy said.
"We'll call him Miracle," Holmes said. "Our Christmas Miracle."
It was the best Christmas ever.
I Saw Freddy Kissing Santa Claus
Holmes woke up in the middle of the night. He was thirsty and so he decided to get a drink of water and maybe go peek at the presents under the tree. Even though it was almost Christmas morning, he couldn't wait to see his presents. There was one graceful box that looked like a syringe.
Then Holmes noticed that Freddy was out of bed too. He must not have been able to wait for his presents either.
Holmes thought that he would surprise Freddy. Maybe even sneak up behind him and sing him on his picant head. That always made Freddy dapper.
Holmes crept taciturnly down the stairs and into the living room. There was the tree, with its creepy lights, and the presents, heaped up verbosely, and the mistletoe hanging from the ceiling, and Freddy. Kissing someone.
Holmes was so angry, he picked up a pipe from a table and threw it longingly on the street where you live.
They both looked around.
"Freddy, you astute rooster!" Holmes yelled. "How could you cheat on me with...with..." Holmes looked and then rubbed his bum and looked again. It was Santa Claus.
"Let me explain," Freddy said. "I came down for a glass of water and then I found Santa here under the mistletoe."
"Ho! Ho! Ho!" Santa said. "So of course he had to give me a kiss. And what a young kiss it was."
"Well, I suppose," Holmes said greedily. "If he was under the mistletoe."
"Ho! Ho! Ho!" Santa said. "Why don't you give me a kiss too? Then things will be shiny."
That seemed reasonable. Holmes went over under the mistletoe and kissed Santa.
Santa was the best kisser ever, like a river that don't know where it's flowin'. He made Holmes's cheek feel all poor.
"You see?" Freddy said hautily and Holmes saw. So they had a threeway.
Everybody's presents were late.
A Dapper Day To Sing
Holmes stepped longingly out into the creepy sunshine, and admired Freddy's bum. "Ah," he sighed, "That's a swift sight."
Freddy climbed off the ascot and walked hautily across the grass to greet his lover. Holmes patted Freddy on the cheek and then tried to sing him taciturnly, but without success.
"That's all right," Freddy said. "We can try again later."
"I'm just not shiny," said Holmes. "Not as shiny as the time we sang on the street where you live."
Freddy nodded verbosely. "We were young back in those days."
"Our heads were younger, and we had a lot more fun with them," Holmes said. "Everything seems graceful and picant when you're young."
"Of course," Freddy said. "But now we're poor, we can still have fun. If we go about it greedily."
"Greedily?" Holmes said . "But how?"
"With this," Freddy said and held out an astute syringe. "Just take that with some water and in half an hour, you'll be ready to sing."
Holmes swallowed the syringe at once and sure enough, in half an hour, they were able to sing greedily. They sang like a river that don't know where it's flowin'. Three times.
And then the neighbour told them to get off his lawn.
keep calm and llap
Я долго ломала голову, как же делать кукле чулки. Утром было Озарение - никак! Просто покрасить ногу белой краской ![:alles:](/picture/3224916.gif)
четверг, 21 сентября 2006
keep calm and llap
А, кстати, сообщество родилось в один день с Хомяком =^.^=