keep calm and llap
19.01.2016 в 18:10
Пишет Serenity S:для нас, задротов, нового мало, но есть интересные моменты
*про ватиканские камеи:
The phrase first originated in World War 2. It was used when a non-military person, who was armed (gun or knife) entered a British military base. The phrase was a signal for everyone duck out of the line of fire. Sherlock knew that John, being a military man, would recognise this phrase and duck out of the way of the gun in the safe.
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URL записи*про ватиканские камеи:
The phrase first originated in World War 2. It was used when a non-military person, who was armed (gun or knife) entered a British military base. The phrase was a signal for everyone duck out of the line of fire. Sherlock knew that John, being a military man, would recognise this phrase and duck out of the way of the gun in the safe.
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